Gladio Projects

We are working on several community led projects. If you would like to contribute time, effort or money to any of our projects, click this button!

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Contract Review Days

Everyone signs a ton of contracts and clicks to accept terms without looking. You should have a lawyer look at every contract you sign. Gladio Contract Review Days are your chance to meet with a lawyer or legal professional and have any contract explained to you. What’s in your apartment lease? How much is your credit card company supposed to charge you? Is your employee handbook cheating you? Come to the next CRD and find out.





Business Check Ups

For a reasonable price we will visit your business, interview your staff and review your policies. After looking at your operation, in person and on paper, we can provide you with some advice on ways to improve your business and protect yourself from civil rights, employee, discrimination or unfair competition lawsuits.


Ask A Lawyer

We set up a comment box in public areas for people to write down questions about the law. We get to provide specific answers to individuals who participate and it also helps us decide what types of information the community needs.





Database of D-Bags

Snohomish county is home to a large number of bigots. Whether they call  themselves proud boys, neo-nazis, stormers, boogs, or patriots there is a group that has a history of gathering en mass, saying racist slurs, and inciting violence. Gladio is working with some of their victims to create a database of encounters with these individuals. This database will function as a source for evidence in civil law suits for monetary damages brought by the victims and community members.

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More Projects To Come

Gladio is a volunteer based organization, with a big picture for the future. We are always happy to take on projects if there is a need and willing workers.

We also rely on the great work of so many other organizations to build the world we want to see, and it is important to us to work on projects created and led by poor people, people of color and other marginalized communities.

If you have a project that could use the help of a lawyer, let us know.







For more information about all of our projects

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